Raise your hand if you’ve struggled to stay consistent with your daily devotionals?
I use to struggle to stay consistent too, but this method has helped me stay consistent in my devotions with God, whether I have 2 hours or 20 minutes to study before starting my day. Whether I’m at home or traveling. It can be done in a journal, iPad, or even your iPhone notepad to jot your thoughts in. The goal is that you connect with God everyday through his scriptures.
I’ve put the SOAP study method in writing for you, and I pray that it’s a blessing as you step out in faith to try it out!
S: Scripture
Open you heart and say a welcome prayer to welcome the Lord in. Take a moment to read a passage in the Bible. Read it slowly. As you read listen for words or phrases that stand out to you. After you are done reading, write out the verse(s) that stood out most to you. Writing it out will help you focus and retain what you are studying.
O: Observation
What are some observations you grasp from the overall message of the verse? What words or phrases stand out?
In your own words, write what God is trying to tell you.
A: Application
How can you apply the observations of the scripture to your life today? Do you see any affirmations or convictions? Write them down as specific as possible.
P: Prayer
Turn these thoughts into a written prayer. As you write, ask God to show you how to meditate and apply this scripture to your life. If you have questions for God, ask Him for clarification. If you were convicted, ask God for forgiveness and guidance as you make changes. If you were moved, praise God as you pray.
If this was helpful, let me know in the comments & be sure to share it with a friend.